Communities Working Together

Last year I brought my local community together so that our voice was heard by Council. The group that was formed (Khandallah Residents Group) mobilised almost 500 submissions within a couple of months. Council was forced to listen and change their plans for a better solution.  As part of this activity, I reached out to other communities (Johnsonville , Karori and Island Bay) facing similar issues.  Communities right across the city want to work together to get the best for Wellington.

I am pleased to also get the support for my Onslow-Western ward candidacy from two key contributors from the Island Bay community.

Jane Byrne

“I have got to know Diane through her work with the Khandallah Residents Group and her own  advocacy around medium density housing and cycleway impacts in our suburbs.  Diane has spoken out clearly and strongly about Council’s need to significantly improve community engagement, transparency and governance processes. These issues are close to the core of the matter that we face in Island Bay around our cycleway. Diane has shared with and supported our challenge and I know she will effectively work with her Council colleagues if elected to the  Onslow-Western ward.

Diane will make a great Councillor for her ward and city.”

Vicki Greco

“I met Diane late last year when she got in touch to talk about Council proposals for medium density housing in our suburbs. Like us she was concerned about the lack of information and genuine engagement with the community; and “fait accompli’ plans from Council. Earlier this year, her local community were also faced with an ‘Island Bay” cycleway on Hutt Rd. I know she has worked hard at representing the issues and advocating well for her local community on both matters. Diane has also liaised with us and developed a good inter-community relationship, that I’m sure will continue.

I support Diane in her standing for Council in her local ward of Onslow-Western as we need more representatives that will champion, early on, listening to and getting the appropriate communities involved.”

island-bay-cycleway map-khandallah-walking-catchments


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